Jenn & Jordan | a winter engagement session at home with pizza

While editing this winter engagement session the other day (because it’s fresh, fresh, fresh!), I was completely inspired to write about these two sweet souls and our time together. Usually, I’m blogging months and months behind with a to-do list forever long, but I just couldn’t help but want to start on this one—right here, right now!! It completely inspired me to jump on writing about our time spent together on this cozy winter engagement session where, for the most of it, they were snuggled up in bed eating gluten-free pizza that they had gone out of their way to pick up the night before from their favourite spot. After a few slices were devoured, we took a little stroll over to a special spot that has them dreaming, about all the things this life will bring them, each and every time they go there.

But that’s just the top layer, and there is so much more to say about them and even us all together.

This session took place only a few weeks ago and it is the very first love session I have done so far in 2022.

Like most of my couples, we only met on facetime before making things official. I was giddy about meeting them in real life. When I pulled up and parked, I noted a side door and a front door. I decided that the side door was the door for me because it felt less formal and more like the entrance for an old friend. And, for me, that’s my aim for sessions, for my connection with my clients.

And I definitely chose right!

I knocked and, once inside, these two lit up the entire home with their energy, smiles, and happiness. It was the first time we met IRL and I think we were just so excited for what was to come.

Side note: engagement shoots are really quite special and really help you connect with this total stranger who is coming into the most intimate and special day of your relationship, so shouldn’t you want a little extra time getting to know one another!?

OK, back to what I was saying…

Engagement sessions are about connection, trust, and magic.

With this being the first love session of 2022 I was excited, but also a little nervous as these sessions are so much about connection, trust and magic. For me, personally, I was coming out of a burnt-out place. I needed some serious rest after a wild year and on top of being sick for almost three weeks over the holidays, after which, I promptly went back to work and was playing catch up. Not being a machine, but instead, an emotional artist who puts her whole heart into her work, I was really nervous I wasn’t going to give them everything they deserved.

But, let me tell you, the minute I walked in, I was completely and totally inspired.

In a way, this is exactly what I needed, and spending time with these two loves couldn’t have been better. It was truly the best.

We chatted for the first 20 minutes. First, it was about the pizza and how they had gone all the way to the city the night before. Then, it was about their home and the meaningfulness in it. Then, as we were about to begin, I suggested I add some music and put them to work to create a playlist that brought on more stories about music, concerts, and songs that carried all the meaning. Hilariously enough, once we finished it, we actually didn’t even bring it with us and then we never used it. But I do hope they are enjoying it over a good slice of pizza sometime soon!

Ok again, I trailed off…let’s get back to it.

During the tour of the house, I found myself so inspired and eager to start photographing them. But becoming familiar with the spaces and the meaning each place carries is so important to where I photograph and why. Asking them questions like, “What do you do in this room?” often brings out all the secrets and stories. When Jordan admitted that they snack in bed and even that they’d eat the pizza in bed, I was all in.

It was so natural and so sweet. So fun and so real.

And for the better part of our time together, that’s where we hung out. Eventually, we moved to their other favourite rooms.

Then we headed outside, where I flipped over a recycling box, stood on top and took some shots at the front of their house while an Amazon driver pulled up and watched our whole little shoot until he pulled away…not before admitting he was at the wrong address. Hilarious!

Then we went to this little walking area they go to often to walk and talk about the future. Jenn said it was a loft that was once a school. Just that little explanation of the meaningfulness of the location had me weak in the knees. We were there just long enough that we got in some moments but not too long that we completely froze our butts off!

This whole winter engagement session left me completely inspired and so incredibly eager to see them again at their wedding.

So my fire has been lit, and I’m so excited for the next love session and what magic that will bring!

What kind of love session are you dreaming up? Reach out to me if you’re ready to book your unique love session (pizza optional but recommended). I can’t wait to hear your vision.


Highlights of 2021 Weddings


Favourite Moments of 2021 | Lifestyle Photography that covers family sessions, to love sessions, birth photography, portraits and more