Dayna & Inder | Preto Studio Loft Maternity Session

I most definitely have a special spot for these two in my heart.

It happens a lot that I really, truly fall in love with the couples I work with, but with these two…it was almost right away.

They have this sweet nature about them, paired with a simultaneous enthusiasm for life. They are so kind to everyone they meet and have this infectious way about them that leaves you wanting to stay with them forever.

I was one of the lucky ones to be let in on the special news about their pregnancy at their wedding. During the portrait session, we took a few photos that paid attention to their sweet babe that was in no way actually showing it off. But it was still sweet to have some images of them on this special day, sharing some moments with this little lady who would be soon entering their world.

On their wedding day, I loved the intimate way it unfolded and the true, undeniable presence the couple had in each moment. When we got to the pier at sunset to take some photos along the waterfront, I asked them if I could get a little funky and artsy. Dayna had a twinkle in her eye as she said yes, and that trust and sparkle lit a fire in me to create images that spoke to the heart. They are some of my favourite photos from last year’s wedding season.

At the end of the night, while it was just us three at a table at the Drake Sky Yard, we planned this maternity shoot. We didn’t quite know where it would be or how it would happen, and then our original plans shifted a few times leading up to the actual shoot. But like most sessions, it all ended up working out in the most magical way.

After a venue shift, date shift, COVID scare, and the typical 2020-2021-2022 surprises, we ended up in this space—Preto Loft. It’s a popular one, which fuels me with the drive to create images completely unlike the ones I usually see there. Creating totally unique images for my couples and families…well, that’s my number one goal with everything I do.

When I’m photographing, there are two things that lead me in creating the images I put my heart into: light and connection.

I look to use the light to create images that have feeling and emotion. I look at the way it affects the couples or families I’m shooting (and also note when the sun might be a scorcher and give them some relief so they aren’t sweating for the duration of the session… right, Inder?! ;)). I look to the light to play with the shadows and to capture a little flare when I can. I look to the light to guide me.

And then the connection. Their connection. My connection. Our connection. That connection is wildly important. At times, I’m just a fly on the wall offering gentle guidance on where to live in the moment, little suggestions on what to talk about, or mentioning how they could arrange their bodies as they lean into each other and get really comfy. Then other times I’m right there every step of the way, but doing so in a manner that’s supportive and encouraging. And trusting; so very trusting.

These sessions hold so much weight to me because they are these beautiful memories of a time in my clients’ lives that, after the session, will never be the same again. Life moves on, things change, families grow, and these moments are so fleeting. Having images to transport you right back to the sweetness of these moments is such a beautiful gift to give someone and I love that I can do just that.

To Dayna & Inder; thank you for trusting me time and time again. Spending time documenting your love and your love story has been ever so sweet and I can’t wait to see you again soon. All my love.

And to anyone else reading this, thanks for being here and if you’re interested in capturing your sweet moments, you know where to find me. Or, you can click here.


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